Welcome to Cerebrumatic. I started this company after realizing I had a good product in my hands… well… actually that is what my daughter thought I had when I showed her a digital planner I had created for myself. 

Context incoming…

For a long period of time I have been working on a passion project that would eventually turn into a business. The very nature of this project calls for a continuous production of digital content. And, as we all know, if you want to turn a profit, a well thought out business plan is a must.  Social media is now a key component for any business that wants to sell products.  

Persistence and organization are the pillars of any business, at least that is the way I see it, so as a single dad working a 9-5 job with the idea of early retirement, and financial independence  popping up in my mind on a daily basis I knew I would need to implement extreme organization and planning to my project/business. 

Enter ordino digital planner: I have used organization tools such as hacked moleskines, and the traditional planners on many projects and even at work.  As I prepared to start this new business, I realized my planning and organization needs required a serious upgrade. I wanted to leverage the power of mobile technology and at the same time create a familiar environment.

Digital planning has not received its well deserved hero moment but there is a growing community of dreamers and organization thirsty individuals already taking their daily activities to another level.  I did some research on the digital planning arena and immediately wanted in.  Out there, on the internet,  are many great options to get you started in digital planning.  The design and composition of many digital planners I found on the web were as inspiring as the passion these many solopreneurs run their online business selling digital goods. 

At this point, I thank you for reading this long, I promise I’m close to making my point.  I come from a family of print shop owners, my grandfather started his own newspaper in a little town in Mexico, eventually all of his kids (all boys) started their own printing business. I grew up with a small print shop in my backyard, and I believe, during that period in life, my appreciation of design,  paper and the wonder of the printed page was born. 

I was not able to find a digital planner that made me feel I was working on a traditional paper and ink planner, I wanted colors and textures in my planner, I wanted certain stickers for my ideas.  So I decided to create my own digital planner.  Nearly 6 months later, I finished my digital planner. It was not an easy task. I do have many years of experience designing with Photoshop and Illustrator but I had to learn most of Adobe InDesign.   

I proudly showed my finished product to my daughter (I call her peaches), she was 10 at the time. She can be brutally honest when it comes to providing feedback on my ideas and designs. “It’s very nice dad!” Peaches said. She was patient with my demonstration, asked a couple of questions and with a smile as she was walking out of my garage-turned-studio she said, “You should sell it dad”.  I immediately dismissed the real intention of the comment and placed it in the “Nice thing my daughter told me-shelf”.  That little comment would pop up uninvited many times during the day. 

I would tell myself what it meant to start selling my digital planner on the internet. Website, client instructions, copy, social media, marketing, accounting, payments, taxes, logistics.  It was a lot of work.  I fought the idea for a while until I made the decision that brings you to this page.  

Welcome to Cerebrumatic…

Cerebrumatic is a young company with one product out Ordino 2022, (Ordino 2023 coming soon) and six other products currently in production. These productivity tools are intended to assist you in enhancing your productivity as you plan, organize and create so you can focus on your life and or business.